Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Sound Recording

Chapter 1

(Day 1)

What is sound?

कुनै माध्यममा कुनै वस्तु कम्पन भर्इ उत्पन्न हुने तर¨ हाम्रो सुन्ने शतिmले दिमागमा असर पु(याउ"छ वा कम्पन गराउ"छ भने त्यसलार्इ ध्वनी  (sound) भनिन्छ ।
What is frequency?

चक्रले एक सेकेन्डमा जति cycle  बनाउ"छ त्यहि नै  frequency हो ।
frequency लार्इ जाच्ने सुत्र:
frequency : c/sec (hz)

frequency लार्इ { hz (unit) मा नापिन्छ र Amplitude लार्इ voltage मा नापिन्छ ।


AM - Amplitude Modulation

FM - Frequency Modulation

SW - Short Wave

MW - Medium Wave

Diffrence between AM & FM


What is Audio frequency ?

20hz b]lv 20khz ;Ddsf] sound nfO{ xfdL Audio frequency eGb5f}+ . xfd
f] sfgn] klg 20hz b]lv dfly / 20khz b]lv tnsf] (jLrsf]) sound dfq ;'Gg ;S5 .

Chapter 2

(Day 2)


2 Type of mixer

1. Broadcast Mixer (Console, OnAir mixer)

2. Recording Mixer

2 Kinds of mixer

1. Analog Mixer

2. Digital Mixer


s'g} klg sound /]s8{ ug{ mic clgjfo{ x'G5 .

3 Type of Micriphone ( By Directional)

1) Uni directional microphone

2) Bio directional microphone

3) Omni directional microphone

1.Uni directional microphone: Mic htf kmsf{of] Tof] tkm{sf] dfq sound catch ug]{nfO{ Uni (one) directional microphone elgG5 .

Uni mic

2.Bio directional microphone: Mic nfO{ jLrdf /fVbf To;n] b'O{ side sf] sound dfq catch u5{ eg] To;nfO{ Bio directional microphone elgG5 .

Bio mic

3.Omni directional microphone: Mic nfO{ jLrdf /fVbf rf/}lt/sf] sound catch u5{ eg] To;nfO{ Omni directional microphone elgG5 .

Omni mic

(Day 3)

3 Type of Microphone (By power system)

1) Dynamic microphone

2) Condenser microphone

3) Ribbon microphone

1.Dynamic microphone: of] Type sf] mic k
of]u ug{sf] nflu extra power (Battry) sf] cfjZostf kb}{g . of] mic nfO{ moving-coil mic klg elgG5 .

2.Condenser microphone: of] Type sf] mic k
of]u ug{sf] nflu extra power (Battry) sf] cfjZostf kb{5 . of] mic nfO{ electrostatic principles mic klg elgG5 .

3.Ribbon microphone: of] Type sf] mic k
of]u ug{sf] nflu klg extra power sf] cfjZostf kb{5, . of] mic condenser mic eGbf al9 powerful x'G5, lsgsL cGo mic df tfdfsf] coil x'G5 eg] o;sf] coil df ;'gsf] hnk xflnPsf] x'G5, t/ o;sf] k
of]u clxn] sd} dfq ul/G5 . of] mic nfO{ pressure gradient or velocity mic klg elgG5 .

Chapter 3

(Day 4)


Headphone sound monitoring ug{ cfjZos kb{5 . sound recording, editing, mixing / play ug{ cyjf audio ;+u ;Dalwt ;a} sfd ug{ headphone sf] cfjZostf kb{5 . o;n] s'g} klg WjgL nfO{ xfd
f] sfg ;Dd ;'Gg d2t k'–ofp“5 . hedphone sf] ;6f xfdL speeker sf] k
of]u ;d]t ug{ ;S5f} .

Cable and Connectors

s'g} klg sound recording, playback listing OToflbsf] nflu mixer af6 xf]; jf speaker ;Dd xf];, To;sf] nflu cable clg ljleGg k
sf/sf connectors sf] dfWod af6 g} ug{ ;lsG5 / o;sf] nflu ljleGg k
sf/sf connectors x? k
of]u ug{ ;lsG5 .

Audio software & hardware

Sound Recording ug{sf] nflu mic kl5 csf]{ Pp6f device sf] cfjZostf kb{5, h'g device, hardware & software b'a} x'g ;S5 . lxhf] cfh recording k
ljlw ;j} computer system af6 x'g] x'gfn] xfdLn] audio software / hardware sf] af/]df hfGg' cfjZos 5 . h; cg';f/ audio recording ug]{ software x?df oL kb{5g —

• Adobe Audition 1.5 & 2.0

• Cool Edit 2.0

• Sound forge 9.0

• Neundo 3.0

• Cubase 2.0

• Pro Tools (Normal & Advance)

• Reason 5.0

• Etc.

oL software x? dfWod dfq x'g, o;nfO{ k
of]u ug{ Audio card sf] cfjZostf kb{5 / of] Audio card, hardware cGt{ut kb{5 . h;nfO{ sound card klg elgG5 . sound card x?df oL kb{5 —

• Sound blaster Creative (live, audigy2, 4, zs)

• M-audio

• Digigram

• Pro Tools

• Etc.

o; afx]s Normaly recording ug{sf] nflu xfd
f] computer df klg audio card x'G5, h'g mother board d} inbuilt ePsf] x'G5 .

Chapter 5

Recording- editing- mixing

How to record ?

fo xfdLn] Voice record, edit / mixing ug]{ audio software df Adobe audition, sound forge / cool edit kb{5, lsgsL oL software x? k
of]u ug{ ;lhnf] x'G5 .

xfdL s;/L record ug{ ;S5f}

z'?df oL dWo] s'g} Ps software open ug]{, To;kl5 file df uP/ new ug]{ clg ok ug]{, To;kl5 tkfO{ record ug{ ;Sg'x'G5 . h:tf] o;sf] tlnsf tn agfOPsf] 5, x]g{ ;lsG5 :-

Handling Tools -

(Transmission) Amplitude भयो भने  Amplitude modulation र माध्यम frequency भयो भने  Frequency modulation हुन्छ ।

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